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Grand Rapids has a history of successful public private partnerships that have helped shape and rejuvenate our downtown. The most recent funding estimate anticipates a $44.6M effort that will yield significant environmental, social and economic benefits for years to come. To date, GRWW and project partners have secured financial commitments of $49,843,719 from private individuals, businesses and foundations as well as federal, state and local resources. As design and permitting work resumes on the Upper Reach project, there may be additional funding needs, however final project costs will not be available until a final design has been selected for the Upper Reach Project.

Support our Project


Peter F. Secchia

Mike and Sue Jandernoa Advised Fund of Grand Rapids Community Foundation

Gifts from Grand Rapids WhiteWater Cabinet

Fred Keller and Katharine Conover-Keller

Gifts from Grand Rapids WhiteWater Board of Directors

O'Donovan Family Foundation

Dyer-Ives Foundation

John and Deanna Green

Mike and Gayle VanGessel

Individual Donors

Support our Project