A project as big as restoring the Grand River takes the coordinated work and effort of multiple people and organizations. While Grand Rapids WhiteWater is focused specifically on dam removal and river restoration, our partners are also working to develop the waterfront, protect the river ecosystem, improve water quality and ensure access for all our citizens.

GRWW/City of Grand Rapids Visit Glenwood Springs, CO
From Left to Right: Mike Staal; Project Manager for the City of Grand Rapids, Jason Carey; Principal Engineer for River Restoration Org, and Matt Chapman: Project Manager for Grand Rapids WhiteWater stand on along the banks of the Colorado River in Glenwood Springs after a two day design workshop at River Restoration Org Headquarters in Carbondale, CO.
Meet our Project Partners
Project Leadership
Grand Rapids WhiteWater is led by Steve Heacock and Matt Chapman, with support from an Active Board of Directors and capital campaign cabinet.
Board Members

Tripp Frey

John Green

Steve Heacock

Janet Korn

Scott Lewis

Chip Richards
River restoration Partners
Project Partners & Affiliates
The City of Grand Rapids has been a key partner in the restoration of our Grand River since the founding of Grand Rapids Whitewater. The City of Grand Rapids has not only made a financial commitment to the river restoration, but they have also committed extensive staff time and expertise. The City is assisting with overall project planning & management, engineering, professional real estate services, marketing, permitting, construction management & contracting, implementing the Equitable Grand River Restoration Initiative and other tasks as required. The City of Grand Rapids will be the permit applicant and owner of physical structures in the Grand River until or unless another organization is identified to serve that role.
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) is the organization responsible for city building and place-management in the urban core of the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Established in 2013, DGRI serves as the singular management entity for the combined operations of the Downtown Development Authority, the Downtown Improvement District, and the Monroe North Tax Increment Finance Authority. DGRI led the GRForward planning process that engaged over 4,400 citizens in the development of a 10 year community plan and investment strategy to transform the Grand River into a distinct asset and support the next generation of growth in Downtown Grand Rapids.
The vision of the Grand Rapids Public Museum (GRPM) is “to inspire passionate curiosity and a deeper understanding of the world around us.” GRPM is a key partner in the Grand Rapids Whitewater Summer Science and Leadership Program through their donation of classroom space, staff time and educational content. GRPM will also play a unique role in documenting this restoration project for future generations. President and CEO of the Grand Rapids Public Museum, Dale Robertson said, “In the future there will be three distinct phases to the history of Grand Rapids. The founding of the city, the growth of the furniture industry, and the Restoration of the Grand Rapids.”
Grand River Network, established in 2023, serves as the backbone agency working cross-sector to facilitate the coordination and action required among numerous community partners to implement the community’s vision for a revitalized Grand River corridor. The Network’s mission is to create a world-class River for All by supporting efforts to develop, activate and steward the Grand River corridor as a place that enriches the community’s well-being.
The Grand Valley Metro Council (GVMC) aids with grant writing, public outreach, education and communication/coordination efforts with upstream and downstream communities and government leaders.
The Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds (LGROW) is an agency of the GVMC whose mission is to understand, protect, and improve the natural resources of the Lower Grand River Watershed for all to enjoy. LGROW is a critical partner in the restoration of the Grand River and a key player in the Grand Rapids Whitewater Summer Science and Leadership Program. LGROW provides extensive education and outreach about the river to thousands of local students and community members each year. GVMC houses our local Urban Waters Ambassador, who’s role is to reconnect urban communities, particularly those that are overburdened or economically distressed, with their waterways by improving coordination among federal agencies.
Professional Services
River Restoration Org is the lead engineering and design firm working to restore the rapids in Grand Rapids. In 2009, GRWW hired River Restoration because of their uniquely holistic approach to restoring rivers. “We are river engineers and watershed scientists with a strong stewardship ethic. We are true to the river in all that we do. We apply our technical expertise to enhance the social, economic and ecologic values carried by our rivers. We help communities make their rivers into better places.”
Ms. Heidi Dunn has been working with the Grand River Restoration team since 2013 and is the professional Malacologist (Mussel Biologist) leading efforts to preserve and protect Federally endangered and state threatened & endangered mussel species in the Grand River. Since 1990, Heidi has successfully completed over 650 projects involving fish, invertebrates, and unionid mussels throughout the Midwest for management and regulatory purposes.
Marty Holtgren, Ph.D. is a fisheries biologist and scientist who has been involved with the Grand River Restoration team since 2017 with a focus on native species restoration, Tribal fishing rights and fishery management. Recently he has focused efforts towards engaging local communities in research and restoration of culturally vital species and habitats.
ERM is a leading global provider of environmental, health, safety, risk, social consulting services and sustainability related services. ERM provided assistance to the Grand River Restoration team from 2013-2021 developing an Environmental Assessment and conducting a cultural resources survey as part of the required permitting process for projects with federal funding.
ECT provides innovative management and river restoration solutions. ECT joined the Grand River Restoration team in 2018 and is currently leading the development of a Watershed Project Plan-Environmental Assessment as required by the Natural Resource Conservation Service Regional Conservation Partnership Program grant award.
Fusion Financial Group is a local accounting firm specializing in advisory accounting. Jim Pike
started the firm in 2005 focusing on the non-profit and small business sectors. Today, Fusion
has a talented team of 8 staff and a wide range of clients around the Midwest and beyond.
Fusion started working with Whitewater in 2014 during Whitewater’s design and engineering
phase. Fusion has continued to collaborate closely with the Whitewater team for the past 10
years providing accounting and advisory services. Advisory services aim to provide clients with
expert guidance, analysis, and recommendations to optimize their financial situation and
achieve their goals.
Richard Bishop served as the president and CEO of Grand Rapids Whitewater from August 2017–December 2018. Richard came to Grand Rapids from Columbus, GA where he led a $25 million dollar effort to restore a 2.5 mile urban whitewater course on the Chattahoochee River that catalyzed a 30% growth in gross receipts in the downtown business district over a six year period following the river restoration project.
Kennari Consulting worked closely with Grand Rapids WhiteWater from 2016-2022 completing our initial fundraising feasibility study and subsequent capital campaign.
Kennari Consulting is one of the largest full-service fundraising consulting firms in Michigan. Sandi Frost Steensma started Kennari Consulting in 2007 because she realized that nonprofit organizations needed more customized, day-to-day “nuts and bolts” fundraising support as well as campaign coaching. Today, the firm has 10 staff members and serves more than 100 nonprofit organizations with consulting and direct services each year.